
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Kid Painted Quilt - Blotter Art

I managed to finish the quilt that Bunny #1 painted the blocks for. To recap this is how she painted each block herself. 

When I had finished the quilt I prepared her bed and took her upstairs. She was very excited - can you tell? 


The fabric I used is from Michael Miller's Fairy Frost line. I used 1 yard each of Dusty Rose, Orchid, Glitz Petal Pink & Azalea. The material is just perfect for a little girl who loves pink & purple. The glitter & shimmer in the fabrics is just fabulous. If I had endless supplies of cash I would be buying up the whole range. The backing is pink & swirly wide quilt backing.

Remember she wanted fancy pillows? I think they look like butterflies.

The pillows have a fancy frill & fancy border - I used the same sort of technique used when making a cathedral patchwork block - but I sewed down the curves down. Here you can see the pretty shimmer in the fabrics.

In the center of the quilt I joined two blocks together to make longer mirrored blocks.

In some ways I am quite glad Bunny #1 went to wild with paint - if we hadn't have had to blot up the gloo-globs of paint with a another square of fabric we wouldn't have such symmetry.

I have recently invested in a BSR foot. And I am having a bit of a love hate relationship with it (more hate really.) I am just so glad this quilt is for my daughter and not someone else. I used a flower pattern with a swirl inside as the stippling design. 20 minutes in I knew this was a bad move - but it was too late - I had to push on and finish.

The quilt measures under a technical twin quilt size - but it still fits nicely on her bed.

The little princess was a very happy girl. 

Things I would do differently next time - I would make the fabric squares she painted smaller and I would perhaps try and more complicated design/framing of the blocks. I would also like to make friends with that BSR foot ..........

Our other kid painted fabric projects this summer have included:
Kid painted Quilt #3 - Spraying Paint
Kid painted Quilt #4 - Shaving Foam Paint


Please do not forget about the charity I Spy quilt - we are still looking for scrap fabric donations. 


  1. This quilt is beautiful! All that pink! And what a nice keepsake for your daughter, since she helped paint the fabric. I like the stippling, too. I know you will become more acquainted with the BSR foot, but I would be very happy if this were my quilt.

    1. Susan - I don't have your contact details but I want you to know how much I appreciate your lovely comment. Thank you so much for visiting Rachael Rabbit.

  2. That turned out fantastic! Your little princess did a great job painting that fabric. And you did a great job putting it all together and quilting it. Does the BSR foot work on any Bernina sewing machine?


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