I was so pleased to receive my copy of the
2010 Sewing Calendar edited by Megan Smith and published by Accord. I was even more excited to see the Rachael Rabbit
Simple Hot Water Bottle Cover featured on the inside cover ...

... and our 3 little sewing projects in February, July & October.

There are many wonderful crafters in the calendar - I was really honored to be asked to be a part of it.
soooo Cute!!!!!!!!!!!
April xx
Wasn't it just yesterday that you brought her home?
Congratulations Rachael!! I will have to look out for that calendar:)
Your little bunny is super cute -what a lovely age.
Oh Rachael! What a dear little person she is growing into! That smile :-) And well done with the publication of your sewing projects - that's wonderful.
She looks so cute!!!! Congratulations on the calendar!
Congratulations of the calendar inclusions! I will look for it. Your little bunny is very adorable! Time for crafting can wait. You don't want to miss a second of these wonderful growing years!
what a little treasure she is, amazing how quickly she is growing! Wonderful news of the calendar :) Hugs, Catherine x
Oh my goodness, how can she be doing the hand-holdy walking thing already? So cute!
Congratulations on the calendar :-)
Congratulations...on that beautiful little bunny and the publlicity!
A big congrats on the calender, you must have been thrilled. My goodness has your little bunny grown since I have been gone. She is just adorable.
Congratulations on the calendar, that's awesome! I love little bunny...she's soooo CUTE!
In trousers already! How time has flown, so cute. I remember my daughter fondly at that age. She is now nearly 7. I saw your project in the calendar. You will find my project in October. Congrats.
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