So far I have been utterly blessed from the whole birth experience to the good humor of the little one (although she has had a couple of screaming fits just to prove to us her impressive lung capacity!) I have a new found respect for mother nature and how complex the human body is - I'm just in awe of how she grew to be and then came into this world - it is way beyond my comprehension at least.
I have found that being a human milk machine is way more tiring than I expected - napping when she sleeps and ramming food in my mouth (say bye bye to relaxed evening meals!) when every possible seems to be key to my sanity. I used to question people who had children that said 'I haven't found time to eat anything today' ... how I understand that comment now!
3 weeks old today - and it might sound strange but it is like we have always had her ...

that's exactly what it's like - you can't imagine your life without them!
Make sure you do take out for yourself to re-charge your batteries. breastfeeding is harder than people think - especially when you are completely exhausted and not eating.
She is gorgeous
April xx
What a cute little bunny! Take care of yourself, too. That's what daddies are for.
It IS an absolute miracle ... I never fail to wonder at it. From conception to little person - the whole thing is so astounding. Your little one is gorgeous, and it doesn't sound at all odd to hear you say it seems like she's always been there. That's how it'll be from here on.
Take care of yourself. x
Little bunny is a real honey! Being a food machine takes hard work. You need to eat, rest and perhaps even create! I was once at a conference where the guest speaker talked about taking care of ourselves before we can take care of others. He used the analogy of the oxygen mask on a plane. When it drops down, you put it on yourself first and then on those who need help. Without it you might never get a chance to help anyone. I know it's a little far fetched, but just be kind to yourself. The rest will fall into place.
I'm with Kitty, it doesn't sound odd to hear you say you feel like you have always had her. I felt like that with both of mine instantly.
She is the most gorgeous little bunny I have ever seen.
It has been a while since I checked in on you - and look what happened! Congrats on your new little cute one.
wow! so cute. i can't wait to see my little bunny. hehe she's adorable. hope you get some good rest.
She is such a little angel Rachael. Isn't it amazing at how much time they take up during your day and how much laundry they can produce!
Enjoy every minute my friend.
what a wee bonny girl she is. It must be exhausting I am sure, but a time to treasure. SEnding lots of hugs, Catherine xxx
Such a sweet little bunny in her bunny suit!
she's so precious! I'm glad that you're enjoying motherhood so far :)
Doesn't sound odd at all, sounds like a besotted new mummy :-)
Take care of all of you - and keep drinking lots of water with those rapidly snatched meals! Sending virtual hugs.
I am well familiar with the feeling of being a milk machine! I was told my a friend that it is very important to be msking milk and the best way to do so is to be resting!!! I managed to feed my daughter until she was 15 months old and I don't regret a second of doing it. I would say if it ever becomes difficult or you feel you can't cope just persevere as it is really worth it!!
Oh, look at the litte beauty. So sweet!
She is so sweet! I'm pleased you are enjoying the whole tiny baby thing ... just perfect! And it is already going so quickly!
you are so blessed.. and so sweet. she is adorable. crazy you find days and weeks just going by with out any notice. relax enjoy..
Hello little Bunny!
How BEAUTIFUL Charlotte is---I LOVE her name!!!! So glad you all are doing well! Yes, once your babes come along, you can not imagine life without them!
Congrats and best wishes!!! She's adorable.
Dana (I am "Nana Dana"--my name rhymes with banana!--to my little gr. girl and I LOVE it!!! I can't imagine MY life without HER---it just keeps going and going!)
Aww! Congratulations! She is a beautiful little bunny :-)
And I must say you have excellent taste in names...but then being called 'Charlotte Emma' I'm a bit biased!
What a darling.Precious beyond words.
She is a sweet, lovely bunny! Blessings to all of you!
Wow look what happened while I was in Manila. Bunny is totally gorgeous. Well done you. Yep being a new mommy is pretty tiring but you just take it easy and spend hours gazing at your precious bundle. Enjoy these days and months and years.
Next you are going to be saying - where did April go -- too fast - enjoy :-)
lisa x
Ahhh! Your post brings it all back to me. We can not remember what we did in the evenings etc before Sophie came along! At the moment she is sitting on the floor with a large plastic mat and a water pen drawing ( it is called Aqua-draw)at 6 1/2 years old. Where did the time go? Quickly. so savour absolutly everything and if you can take lots of photos because Sophie likes to look at them to try and understand where she came from and what she looked like as a baby.
All the best
What a total poppet. I understand totally what you mean too, when Twiglet was born I felt like I'd always known him and he'd been here with us always, isn't it magic? Get lots of naps and eat plenty!! breastfeeding always made me VERY thirsty and sleepy too!!
oooh she is beautiful!
Big heartfelt congratulations Rachael...such a cutie!!
Enjoy every moment!
Robyn xx
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