It is true - my heart is aching ... we have sold our beautiful house - and until we find our next house having my own little room to use as a dedicated work space is doomed - I shall be 'craft camping' ... by that I mean I have to decide what craft items will be going into storage and what craft items I can take with me so I can continue working.
The house has been so much more than a place to live for me - since I have been in the states I have been so homesick and this is the first place - since leaving the UK nearly 5 years ago - that I have called 'home'. It is cute, beautiful, warm and cosy, old fireplaces and floorboards, the garden has been fabulous for
bunny photo shoots, the community is wonderful ... it is going to be very hard and very very sad to leave.

But my husband spends his weeks in the city and I spend a lot of my week in the country - we always spend our weekends together - we recently decided that we should try find a home that was the 'grand compromise' - close enough to the city for commuting and enough out of the city so I don't go crazy. So I'm off to the big apple to stay with my lovely husband (it will be nice to see him during the week) - and I know a stint in the big apple would be a treat for some - but if I'm totally honest I am not a city girl in the least ... unless it is for a little shoe shopping expedition!
So what do I take? Obviously
Bernie has to come with me and my bag of knitting needles ... but what about ...

...the boxes of ribbon ...

... lace ...

... buttons, sewing needles, cord ...

...bias tape, scraps of material or just the big bits? Will I need my box of felt? What about all the ties and shirts I have to recycle? How much yarn should I expect to use?

Which books to take?
It is all seeming a bit much to choose from ... where do I start?
Don't worry, we will all look forward to Bunnies in the City! I really feel for you having to leave your lovely home, it is such a wrench, but your next home will be equally as lovely, 'cause you chose it. There is an award for you to put into storage on my blog, pick it up when you can. x
Such hard decisions and I think I'd find it hard to part with that lovely house too. If your house dooesn't have to be right in the city then there's surely some pretty areas you can explore for somewhere new? Thanks for the shots of some of your stash - very exciting. Hope you don't have to store too much of it!
You have my sympathy. When we put most of our house into sotrage whilst we were having building worldone it is difficult what to keep out and what to store away. Maybe consider what you have used the most recently, so for me that would be crochet stuff felt and handsewing things. best of luck and keep smiling.
Sorry to hear you are sad, such a lovely house too but I just know your next house will be even better so keep smiling. Take everything, leave all your clothes and everything behind - just take your crafting stuff :-)
lisa x
I'm sorry you have to give up your beautiful home! I hope you can find something nice close enough for commuting. I wouldn't know where to start on my craft stuff. I need it all!!
Cheer up and think of all the good times you'll have with your hubby!
Good luck with the packing and moving! I hope you find the perfect house that meets all your requirements! When I was moving a lot I concentrated on only taking a few crafts with me - mainly cross stitch and more portable things. Hopefully you won't be without your craft space for too long!!
I hope the move goes well and I hope the bunnies will like their new home. I don't know where I would begin to cull my craft stuff. Good luck.
Oh Bunny Girl, I feel for you! I would not know where to begin. We moved four years ago and I dread ever doing it again! As for culling your crafting gear and knowing what to pack and what to keep out. I wouldn't know where to start if it was me! Best of luck! Jen
Oh that is a big move! I am sewing room lost at the moment - will be for the next year or so - and only have a small chest of drawers for current favourite fabric and one plastic bin downstairs for other essential bits. To decide what to bring, I literally had to say, I will only do this and this during the next year, and that and that will hibernate. Trying to weigh up the merit of each item was too hard and time consuming! I did this in the kitchen too and needless to say cannot believe I thought I could last a whole year without making a casserole in my dutch oven :0
It is always so difficult leaving a place that you love, even more so if you have homesickness as well, I understand only to well.
But chin up Rachael there is a reason for everything, who knows maybe your next place will banish your homesickness for good, let's hope.
I would take all the things that make you happy and those things that you just can't live without.
You do live in a beautiful house. I am sure your next one will be equally beautiful or you will make it so! Put your craft materials in storage. That way you will have to buy more!!!
That house is gorgeous so I can understand your reluctance to leave, but it is better to be with your husband - i hope you manage to find the perfect compromise! Good luck
April xx
What a tough choice to make, but I am sure you feel strongly that you are making the right one. It is just so hard at first.
We had to leave our little rented house two years ago for different jobs and I was sooooo sad. I was bawling. Mainly because I had worked so hard on my little garden and had all these fabulous varieties of different things. We had to leave in like February, making it impossible to find any of my plants ;(. I still get a little misty eyed thinking about my old garden. Particularly since I am still gardenless in my apartment building.
I so feel for you. My husband and I bought our dream home 2 years ago, exactly what we wanted. And just today, it went up for sale, because we had been unable to sell a smaller home I owned before meeting him. So we have moved into the smaller home and my heart aches. My craft area is now a small corner of the laundry room. Have faith, you will find something that works for both of you and your bunnies will have a home again.
Good luck with the move. Choosing what to take must be so hard. Is there anyone who could mind it for you. So you could pop round and get it if you suddenly needed it. It will be brilliant in the end
Hey Rachael see it as a whole new adventure ... bunny in the city! I for one would love to see some of your rabbits hanging out in the Big Apple! Sure is a beautiful house though! And you could start a whole new stash!!!!
I never envy anyone having to move especially from a house you love. Because your new house (when you find it) will become your home you will love it just as much. For me this would be a good opportunity to take just one or two projects to concentrate on and finish and what a good excuse to buy new supplies if yours should happen to be in storage!!!!
oh Rachael, I can so understand your feelings, leaving a beautiful home, where most importantly you have felt at home. I know living away from the UK too how home sick you can feel, for me having my fiance around helps, so I am sure spending more time with hubby will be good. I am a true country girl too so I get your feelings about city life, but sure that for now you can find crafty bits and bobs to buy, if you have the boxes to store them :) I'll keep my fingers crossed you find your next special home soon. BIG bunny hugs, Catherine xx
Hmmmm...accidentally hit a button so I'll try again.
Oooooooh, Rachael, I'm so sorry! Try to view your time in NYC as an extended urban vacation until you find our next home. Visit Purl Soho & Patchwork, sojourn down to Brooklyn General, and enjoy some tasty treats!
That would be YOUR next home, not OUR ;-)
take it all throw out all the food.. and pots and pans.. you can live with out that stuff.. but not your crafts.. NOOO not your crafts.. dont do it.. besides you could go naked..
I can imagine how you are feeling, thought that i would feel that way too ........ however i didn't!!! i sold and moved out of our family home that i had lived in for over 50 years, i was the only surviving member of my immeadiate family, so you can imagine. the consulation i have i guess is that i have all my 'stuff' with me, years of collecting!!!!! So you could put it all in storage and start a new collection or pack a few treasure boxes that will provide you with great satisfaction. welcome to my blog and best wishes.
Good luck witht he move sweetie, and try not to worry a home is a home and a house is just a house.
You'll put all the love into your new home sweet home.
Many hugs.
Catherine x
You will still be blogging, won't you?...won't you?!? Your house looks so beautiful. I hope you find one that's just as special :)
You hang in there girl....big warm hugs to you.
Enjoy spending time with your hubby and seeing each other for dinner.
I'm a country girl too, born and bred and I have lived on the outskirts of Sydney AU for over 20 years now.
Home is where your loved ones are.
hugs Robyn xx
Your house is adorable. You'll find something just as lovely. Most of my things are still in boxes, which is driving me crazy. BUT, I know it won't always be this way.
All the best in your house search!
Hugs, Sarah x
One Door Closes Another One Opens & Let The Adventure Begin !!! Hang in There Bunny Girl & Enjoy the Journey...
You know for some reason I always think of you as living in the UK somewhere, not the US. Odd.
I hope you find a wonderful new home and that the city surprises you with lots of loveliness. It's hard if you're not a city girl. I couldn't tell you what I would give to live in the NYC for a little while. However, we're all different aren't we?
Sorry to hear you have to move out of your beautiful home. I know it's always upsetting enough, even when you want to move, and more so when you don't. I hope you find somewhere that makes you happy.
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