
Thursday, December 4, 2014

I can't recycle that!

When I'm talking with the families who come to me to turn clothes into quilts we often have long conversations about what sorts of fabrics can be used for the project. My plain answer is that there is no limit to types of fabric or sorts of clothing - no maximum no minimum - send it to me and I will put every effort into turning into a beautiful quilt. I do however ask them to think about whether they want to hold on to any pieces that are more than special to them - because sometimes something can be so special that they should just be quietly kept.

I had this moment recently and it took me by surprise.

I am preparing the back to my first portrait quilt. I mentioned already in that post that I am using all Bunny #1's old pajamas - here is a sneak at the stack.

There was one pair of pajamas that I thought I wanted to include but then at the last minute couldn't. Her first pair of pajamas. 

When she was born - she wasn't super small - but certainly no where near what the doctor had estimated. Since then she has indeed grown but she is very petite compared to her peers - there was something about her first pair of pajamas that reminded me of how small she is - then and now. How delicate life is - that feeling of holding your first child in your arms - worried you might hurt them but wanting to protect them from everything - suddenly realizing that this is the sort of love that is unending and utterly unconditional. It just felt too much to cut into these particular pair of pajamas.


  1. oh so precious. I have things I could never cuut up too xxxx

  2. You have summed up very well how the love you feel for your newborn child changes your life and takes your breath away.

  3. How sweet that you saves all the old pj's for a future project. I completely understand the attachment to the tiny pair.

  4. Awwww, I could never cut into them either. Isn't it sad how quickly they grow???


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