
Thursday, August 28, 2014

C- in Social Media

I am a bit busy these days. Busy with my three bunnies, a good sized house and busy trying to building up a charity dedicated to memorial quilts and my longarm quilting business too.

I want to be good at social media - I want to promote myself, my talents & my ideas - but I just end up having very little energy or time for it. I also find myself (not yet 40) feeling and looking confused and often stating 'I just don't understand!' I feel like my parents when we first got a VHS video player!!!

I have an iphone - I have an instagram account, I also have a twitter account (what is twitter?). While I work I often take photos of what I am doing thinking 'oooh I like this' or 'ooh that is pretty' and then fail to do anything with them and later in the day I think to myself 'no one is really interested in that!'

So here are some 'would have been' social media posts with their 'would have been' captions and you should tell me if I should be trying harder with this whole social media lark ....

"Standing on it doesn't help me decide what and how to quilt on it"

"It is pitch black and I'm still quilting .... "

 "It is pitch black and I'm still quilting .... " (do you see a trend?)

"Does anyone else find matching thread really really exciting?"

"Donna - help - it broke!!!"

"Creating a quilt with Bunny#1's first fabric line"

"Bunnie#2 confused by the concept of a 'silly selfie'"

"Bunnie#2 has fully got the concept of a 'silly selfie'"


"Had to put the rule against it to see how tight the quilting really was"

 "Unmarked feathers - whoop whoop"

"Bunnie #1's first selfie"

"I call this kind of stretching while I work 'sewga'"

"It has begun."

"Beginnings of a another heart breaking memorial quilt"

"Bunnie#1 is sewing!!!"

"Nearly finished!"


"New obsession - peppered cotton"

"Selfie - audio book on - new cheapo glasses on - optician said 'its your age'...."


  1. What fun to look through your quilting world! Each of these photos would make a perfect individual snippet for social media. I especially relate to the thread choice photo, lol. Consistency is key, and that's where I fall down, too.

  2. These are great. I for one enjoyed them. Can't wait to see what you do with the peppered cotton. I'm 40 so what do I know but seem like great social media posts.


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