
Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Back in December the lovely Kathy from Lizzie Jane (check out her adorable spring bunnies) tagged me to:
1. Open the 4th picture folder on your computer.
2. Choose the 4th picture and post it on your blog.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 people to do the same.

Here is my photo (step 1 & 2 completed!):
(Step 3:) This is a padded baby book that I made back in March 2008. The book is made from material scraps (surprise) and was lovingly sewed together to help a little one count from 1 to 5. How? By counting the bunnies of course! Initially I thought it was a rather sweet project but then I realized I had probably totally lost the plot - because any small child who is still in the padded book stage is not going to be advanced enough to recognize a bunny - let alone count bunnies from one to five. So this is a project that just went into the 'needs more thought' box. I had always meant to make another padded baby book with big colorful shapes (no advanced number or alphabet skills needed) ... but that is a project that is still on the 'to do' list. Here is a better picture of the book ...
My husband is ever hopeful that a certain little man in our family will learn to count soon ... he certainly looks like he is concentrating hard!!(Step 4:) I'm terrible at being tagged - I'm sorry ... but please consider yourself tagged and play along - take a look at your fourth picture in your fourth picture folder - what will you find?


  1. I think you would be surprised how quick little ones do actually pick up shapes and numbers , especially if the bunnies are " touchy feely ". Milo could count to 5 when he was 1 and I think its because we read counting books to him and counted the stairs and basically counted everything. Your book is a great idea, I wouldn't knock it on the head just yet..
    Lisa x

  2. Thats a lovely book. I had never thought to make a softie booK.

  3. I love the idea of padded books. I made a few for my boy when he was little and just starting to manipulate things with those pudgy little hands of his. I wasn't as creative as you though. I made 'pre made panel' bought ones. He loved them though and I've now passed them on to another little boy with equally pudgy little hands. By the way pudgy hands clapping is THE BEST sound in the world!

    I love it that your little pup seems so interested in reading! Cute.


  4. I love the photo of your little doggy staring at your wonderful padded book, which is wonderful by the way. Such concentration!

  5. that is such a sweet book, and I LOVE your dog, awwwww he is just so cute there reading away trying to count the bunnies, probably willing them to hop out of the book so he could play chase ;) Beary Hugs, Catherine xx

  6. lovely idea and you so have the applique skills to make something magical - I can't wait to see what you come up with :-)

  7. Oh, that last photo is just too precious!

  8. Great idea for a book. I started an ABC book, but haven't finished it yet. I think your fur baby is learning quickly! Very cute!

  9. AAwww, what a sweet book you made. It is such a great idea for small children. I have so many scraps so this might be a great project this year. I love the last photo with the little fluffy one so concentrating on the book. So sweet!

  10. What a lovely book! You would be surprised how quickly babies picks thing up and lots of people told me to ready to my daughter when she was a few months old!! I like the fact that it doesn't have sharpe corners so I think it is perfect.


  11. Sorry I meant 'read' not 'ready'...opps.


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