
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

One big Blooper and other bits

I'm not a very competitive person - the fact that I really don't mind losing a race or a game of Monopoly or dominoes endlessly confuses my husband (of determined A-type personality). But I've finally found something I can win hands down ... the prize of 'biggest craft blooper'. I was reading Lucy Kate Craft's this morning and her post inspired me to share this wonderful and spectacular blooper with you.

The big blooper occurred during my second felting experiment (the first was a success) instead of just using the felting needles - for this process you needle your wool to shape and then massage very hot soapy water around the shape to shrink it further. The felt is stuffed and wrapped around a pipe cleaner skeleton. So here is Super Bunny waiting to be shrunk - he looks cute no? With great potential?
And so I added the water ... hot soapy water and I massaged and hoped ... and it all went horribly wrong.
I think I can safely say that I killed Super Bunny. Poor Super Bunny went for a little visit to the dustbin after he had stopped dripping everywhere. Did I win the prize of 'biggest craft blooper'? What is your worst crafting blooper?

I have signed up for Vanessa's tea party on Saturday. I have some new knitted bunnies in the workshop and they are currently bickering (loudly) over what dresses they want made for the occasion! Bunnies can be so bossy!
On a completely unrelated note - I recently found Wordle - have you played with this? I rather liked the word collage it produced for me. Quite apt for me don't you think!


  1. Aah poor super bunny , most of the stuff i do is trial and error and non of it is perfect so in a way there is a bit of a blooper in everything... think your wordle looks great - baby?
    lisa x

  2. Awww, poor Super Bunny. Perhaps, hot soapy water was his one weakness? He might have been able to fight off anything else, but not that?! I make lots of bloopers, in fact I always make at least one mistake with everything I make: once I've got it out of the way, I feel better about things. x

  3. Oh no! Super Bunny, what have they done to you? That is too funny! Oh yes, I've had my share of bloopers (er, pretty big share!) and I wish I had laughed at them like I laughed at poor Supe.

  4. Was a thin bunny for a while before meeting with the bin :( My first attempt at felting (needle of) looks like an old Mickey Mouse character!!! The second is soooo cute dont give up, just have another go!!!

  5. Thank you for the laugh and for letting me know that I am not the only one that makes bloopers!
    The projects that I think are going to be spectacular usually are the ones that turn out the worse.

  6. The poor little superbunny ;-) I think you are brave to try felting in the first place!! And that wordle-thing looks fun! Must go try that ;-)

  7. Ah, this is why I've avoided even attempting wet felting, why get mucky when you can happily stab away with a nice dry needle? Poor old Super Bunny. :)

  8. Change the S from super to soggy and problem solved! Embrace the slip-ups! It gives bunnies character.....

  9. Poor old Bunny.

    I love Wordle - I've just put one on my side bar

    April xx

  10. Awwww, poor boy. Looks like someone let the air out of him, or he went on a crash diet. So you won't be doing that again, huh?

    Hugs, Sarah x

  11. so sorry that your super bunny didn't work out the first time. It is often that way. Thanks for sharing as everyone can surely relate to that!

  12. Oh such a sad tale. He definitely looked deflated once you had finished with him! I think we all make bloopers from time to time. That's how we learn isn't it?

  13. lol! that is the funniest thing I have seen in ages! thank you so much for sharing that with the world!!!


  14. I can't believe that you sent super bunny to the bin! I thought he had great character....I would have had him come to stay and save the day any time! Jen

  15. Even Super Bunnies have bad days! And really how were you to know that hot soapy water would be Super Bunnies Kryptonite? Love the word collage it looks like fun! Hope you have a good weekend!

  16. I know you shouldn't laugh, it's not very polite, but I couldn't help it. He looked so wonderful before, a true super bunny and after, well words fail me really. Thank you for being brave enough to share.

  17. Now Wordle is right up my street! I've had a play and just posted my results. Now I've got to work out how to get it on my sidebar!
    Super Bunny does look a bit sad!


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