
Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Fabulous Tea Party and a retrospective of sorts ...

I'm elated. I'm crafting again. It feels SO good - I really had forgotten how much happiness having a creative outlet brings me.

But I really have been a bit busy - the kind of busy where you collapse into bed each night wondering where the day has gone. Repeat this endlessly - and occasionally cry about it ;-) So to recap this is what I have been up to:
  • Packed and moved - twice - or was it three times? - I lost count - it feels like six.
  • Lived (pregnant) in a 300 sq ft studio apartment above a garage with husband, small toddler and a dog while we renovated the house (noise and dust like you would not believe).
  • Moved into not yet completed renovated house (heavily heavily pregnant).
  • Attempted to unpack and arrange furniture before baby arrived while drilling, painting etc still went on around us.
  • Had baby#2 (after 2 months of 'false' labor - Note: there is nothing 'false' about false labor).
  • Continued renovation and continued to unpack while looking after two adorable and much loved small children.
  • Eventually (very recently) managed to unpack Bernie and felt a renewed level of happiness - even though I was only mending husbands shorts and g-diaper covers.
  • Begged, pleaded and cajoled baby to nap at the same time as small toddler so I could have a small amount of time to myself each day.
  • Won the nap battle with baby - hurrah!!
  • Took a deep breath.
  • Decided to make this tea party set.
I wanted to make a fun coordinating tea party set that would help any little girl throw a most excellent and very proper tea party. The fabrics I used for this project were all left overs from previous projects (A Lucky Baby Bunny (Nov '09), How do you work? (Aug '08) and Swap Shots (July '08) - seriously? have I really had everything packed up and stored away for that long?)

The set consists of a picnic mat, an apron, a tea towel, a tea cosy, 6 napkins and 6 party hats.I embellished with pink ribbon and lace.
Party hats ready?
Hostess ready?
Tea brewed?
What a fine tea party! The cupcakes are from my Cupcake Tutorial made back in May 2008 - I must make more of those.

Anyone remember the knitted Bunny Picnic? ... I can't believe that was back in May 2008 ... time just rushes by.