
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Christmas is coming ...

Whether you want to admit it or not you can't ignore that Christmas is coming. The stores already have their Christmas decorations out - ready for you to browse and rummage through all the glitter and tinsel.

And here in our little work corner it is no different. Summer seems like an age away. Halloween was barely here (apart from the pumpkin tutorial) and there has been no sign of any Fall or Thanksgiving crafts. The bunnies and I have jumped straight into Santa's sack and I fear here we will stay until the end of the year.

We have been making reversible Christmas tree skirts ...... working on nativity advent calendars ...... (I love how the little pockets turned out for this calendar!)
And the bunnies ... without having a garden to play in have been getting into so much mischief. This little bunny is trying to pretend to be one of the Christmas tree decorations in a bid to become the the fairy on top of the tree this year.I tried to explain that although we are making Christmas crafts now - decorating the tree is a long way off. And this little bunny seems to have been tortured by the other one in what was described to me as the 'wrapping up game' ...
I must give a loud and warm shout out to Janice, Rachel, Louise, April and Barbara (I hope I caught everyone) - all have tagged or given me lovely awards in the past months. I've been terrible at playing along I know - and distracted with moving etc - and I can't tell you how much all the comments mean to me. I loved how and what Jodie (from RicRac) wrote back in August about the whole tagging/award debate - and I'm sorry to be such a party pooper. By the way - have you seen Jodie's Big Selvedge Project - it is truly amazing and should not be missed.


  1. Wash your mouth out with soap! :-O You've made me panic now, and that's not good. Is it really so close to the 'C' thing? :-( x

  2. you have been a busy little bee -they look great and I think miss bunny would look great as a fairy on top of the tree.
    lisa x

  3. Love the advent calendars -- did you use felt? If I ever get the Halloween costume made, or even if I don't, I think I'll try the advent calendar next. :)

  4. Very cute... all of it!!! I feel very behind suddenly! But thanks for the ideas! I like your little green bunny on the side bar too! And congrats on the magazine article...that is WONDERFUL!!

  5. Wow, you look like you are getting a wonderful jump start on Christmas! Your rabbits are adorable as can be. I love the ear and feet details! They look they are having so much fun with the "wrapping up game!"

  6. Looks like you have plenty of help getting ready at your house.

  7. I love the advent calendar- it's very beautiful.

  8. Wow Rachael you are putting us all to shame, I am no where near as you at making Christmas things, I better get my you no what in gear.
    Have a lovely weekend

  9. The bunnies are so cute, I love their big feet!!

  10. Thanks, Rachael, for reminding me how close to the 'C' word it is! I guess I should get going on some of my holiday projects. Love your playful bunnies

  11. Being in Australia Summer is just around the corner and our next stop is Christmas. We obviously don't celebrate Thanksgiving and we also don't do Halloween. You have me thinking that its time to scour the shops for some Chrissy themed fabric to get started on my Christmas to-do list! Jen

  12. I just love those sweet bunnies of your---they are much softer than my Stone Rabbit, but he has a great personality just like yours do! Love the reversible tree skirt with the advent calendar on the other side! I am a sewer, but my tree skirts are actually lengths of fabric wound around the base of the trees. I have great intentions to make skirts, but time flies by and it is Christmas and, boom, the trees are ready to be decorated and, rats, no time to make skirts AGAIN. Sooooo, out comes the fabric!
    Your tutorial in the magazine is so wonderful!!! Congrats. dana
    PS hope you're getting settled in your new home.

  13. Hi Rachael, great to see the crafts are going strong, YIKES Christmas is really getting here fast, my bears need to start getting festive like your bunnies :) oooo a fairy bunny what a lovely idea! Hugs, Catherine xx

  14. Oooh, love the advent calendar, and your bunnies are as adorably cheeky as ever!

  15. TOO much presure now to get started on CHRISTMAS WHEN I HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN MY HALLOWEEN DIGS DONE!! oh shame on you.. for presure presure

  16. Aww, this post has got me feeling all Christmassy :) I'm very impressed by your advent calendar!
    Love the Socktopus too :D

  17. Kudos to you for being so on top of the next holiday season!! Hope you're enjoying NYC, esp this time of year :-)

  18. You have been busy - I'm loving the look of your tree skirt & advent calendar!
    What naughty bunnies - you set them to work doing some sewing. You know what they say "The devil makes work for idle bunny paws!"

  19. This is my first visit to your blog. I have an award for you on my blog, I hope you will accept it. Its up to you whether you pass it on and do the links.

  20. where did you get your pattern for your advent calendar?

  21. Love those two bunnys. How cute are they????
    And great Advent calendar. Man that looks like a lot of work.


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