
Sunday, June 14, 2009

Aaahhh some sewing

Finally I managed to find a couple of moments to sit in front of Bernie!!

It seems to be baby making time in our peer group. Most of our friends have either just had one (or some), are pregnant or are planning to get pregnant soon. Our dear friends who left New York for opportunities in Hong Kong are just about to have twins! I find one exhausting enough ... two ... at once - well I hang my hat up to anyone who copes with that!

I wanted to send them a little something 'hand made with love'. So in between the baby squeaking I sewed some old scraps together and made two little mini quilts in a carefree Denyse Schmidt esq process.We have used our little super simple baby blanket so much. We use it to put down on the floor for some wriggle or tummy time, out in the car or stroller, wrap her up for a cosy cuddle ... the uses seem to be endless and the ease of washing and tumble drying essential. I hope these two little scrappy quilts are useful too!I obviously wanted to document the little quilts ... but my little model was a little shy and uncooperative. How can something so small wiggle quite so much!!