
Monday, January 21, 2008

Tutorial: Bunny Bunting

I was digging through my box of material and I came across some old scraps of fabric and I was suddenly possessed to make some bunting. My husband tells me that bunting isn't really used in America ... but having done some research - it seems that it is indeed an American thing: "A lightweight cloth material often used for flags and festive decorations (American)."
So I made my bunting - and it was SO pretty ...... I want to keep it. But then I became possessed by bunting fever (careful - it is so pretty and quick to make it becomes addictive!) And what would be perfect for bunting?? well bunnies of course!
So along came my Bunny Bunting - which would be perfect for Easter, picnics or children's parties !! Bunting is also a perfect (and decorative) way to use up odd bits of material and I fear I should have really used recycled fabric ....but perhaps I can do that for the next bunting project!
My flags have been cut using pinking shears and I made the pattern up as I went along - but I have found a lovely pattern for making double sided bunting at Whip Up I think this looks quite delicious and would be a wonderful gift for a new born baby.

Here is my pattern:
Rachael Rabbit's Simple Spring Bunting

You will need:
  • Triangle template
  • Pinking sheers
  • 14ft+ of bias tape
  • A selection of pretty fabrics
  • Cotton for sewing
1) Cut flags from your fabrics using your template and pinking sheers

2) Fold the bias tape and sew 14" of the bias tape together. (This will ensure you have enough ribbon on the end of the bunting to tie it up)

3) Add the flags one by one leaving just under an inch between each flag.

Note: I used a plain straight stitch - but you could use a decorative stitch if you wanted to.

3) Ensure you sew 14" of the bias tape together at the end of the bunting.

4) Hang and enjoy!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wow ..... and thank you

Wow ..... I can not believe the response to my Green Bunny Bag .... I'm very excited and really looking forward to picking out the winner! Did you know that you can recycle plastic bags too? Go to to find out your nearest drop location (I was excited to find this link!) I seriously believe that we don't need to use plastic shopping bags at all. I have stayed true to my resolution and I have not used/taken one plastic bag since Jan 1 ...... until ...... the postman left a package (iHanna's Creative Year) for me IN a plastic bag to protect it from the snow. I was so upset. Does this count?

In my distress I had to make some bunnies .........

Talking of snow. It is utterly beautiful here at the moment - there is about 3 inches of crisp white snow on the ground and the sun is shinning so brightly. Every time I look out of the window I feel I'm living in one of those super pretty Christmas cards - I know I'm bias and think I live in the most beautiful little house ever .... but I just wanted to share my feeling of utter contentment this morning ....

Thank you again ... I really hope you keep reading.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Are you a Green Bunny?

I wish I was greener. I wish I did more for the environment. For 2008 I have made a vow not to collect or be given any more plastic shopping bags.

We know that plastic shopping bags are bad. We know that they take 20 to 1000 years to break down and each bag we use only adds to the problem – because the bags simply accumulate. Unfortunately we cannot escape the fact that plastic shopping bags have a large detrimental effect on the environment.

So – in an effort to help inspire you to not use any more plastic shopping bags - I have made an alternative shopping bag - the Green Bunny Bag.
The bag is made from sturdy calico (15"w x 16"h) and folds down to 4”x4” to neatly sit in the bottom of your handbag.
If anyone tries to give you a plastic bag again – whip out the Green Bunny Bag – refuse the plastic bag – and try to inspire someone else to do the same.

To win this bag in my green bunny giveaway– please leave a comment on this post before 12 noon EST on Valentines Day! (I'll send the Green Bunny Bag to you no matter were you live but please include your URL or an email address or some way I can contact you in your comment.)

Monday, January 7, 2008

NEWS FLASH: Bunny Rabbits begin to take over my life

Help! They keep multiplying .... and getting cuter!

Ok - I really need to get out of the house. Since my return from the UK I haven't really had much energy to do anything but sit in front of my sewing machine. The weather has finally got a bit warmer today so I won't need to put on lots of layers (two pairs of socks, 1 pair of furry boots, multiple leg layers, thermals, hooded jumper (sweater), hooded puffy jacket, hooded shearling coat, 2 pairs of gloves, a scarf and a hat) just to walk the dog - I actually think the neighbors might think that a sniffing Yetty has moved next door - because with all those layers on .... I must look really rather odd!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year - Meet the Halnaker Rabbits!

Did you all have a good Christmas? And New Year? I got a nasty cold for Christmas and since returning from the UK I have been a big sniffle monster. I know it must be bad as my husband has kept a good distance "I don't want to get ill" is his excuse ... but I fear it is because snotty sniffle monsters are just not that attractive!

Over the holidays I visiting lots of people (hello everyone!) I spent a lovely 6 days with my mother in her country cottage in Halnaker. My mother (bless her) does have some Scottish tendencies and about 35 years ago she had knitted some cable knit sweaters. She had nobly kept these sweaters and recently unravelled them .... and had the yarn ready to "make something". Well along came greedy yarn daughter Rachael ..... and we spent a few days winding, washing, drying and finally winding the yarn into balls.
I took a few of these balls on my travels and began to knit bunnies. I am so pleased to be able to reuse this yarn - as I mentioned before my big thing in 2008 is going to be recycling .......

For 2008 I have changed my knitted rabbit pattern. I have named the new pattern the "Halnaker Rabbit"! I have changed the ears on these rabbits (they stand straight up) and their legs are much longer too. After having some healthy input about my softies and their faces from my sister ... hum... I have also changed the way I embroider the face too. Instead of sewing the clothes I made some little crochet outfits.

The girlie rabbit has a light blue summer dress on (I'm not sure it is a sensible outfit for the snow!)
with white detail and a little crochet flower
and the boy rabbit has a little blue jumper on.
(Oooh what a fluffy tail!)

What do you think? I wish I was a better photographer ...... they are really quite sweet and I'm not sure my pictures do them justice. The Halnaker Rabbits will be available at my Etsy store very soon .... and I will be knitting many more this year.

For New Years Eve our friends, the lovely Smiths, came for a wild and crazy game of Clue and a stock based fondue.... and let me just repeat how wild and crazy we all were (in bed by 12.15!). On New Years Day (between sniffles) we wrote our new years resolutions. I have kept these and intend to bring them out again next year ........ one of mine was "make more rabbits" .... now why doesn't that surprise anyone??